Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Q&A: How many think that families with kids should only be permitted to order thru the drive thru window?

Question by jakepi: How many think that families with kids should only be permitted to order thru the drive thru window?
If you've ever seen kids mucking up the buffet or just acting like animals in a fine dining establishment then you know people don't want to pay good money for dinner and have it ruined by someone's disgusting brats in proximity to your table. Once at Ruby Tuesday's a young couple decided to change their kids diaper on the table in the dining room about two tables away from me and the smell carried all over the place, but nothing was ever said to either of the nitwits. And they wonder why some people get sick when they eat out, it's because the kids put their fingers into everything literally.

Best answer:

Answer by Aporia
If it were a perfect world, only civilized and polite people would be permitted out in public. But then, it'd probably be a pretty empty public.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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