Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Need ideas for living and dining room colors. Light, clean, but durable for a child.?

Issue by nesha0972: Require ideas for living and dining place hues. Light, clean, but durable for a little one.?
I am getting my new apartment but as of right now I am pregnant with my very first youngster, but I want to have my property inviting comfy and light in color so it feels larger (elegant and sassy, romantic) although I adore to clear and not frightened to use scotchgaurd (child) just really don't want to clean so considerably. but I would like hues that are tough and light and open. Please assist and and other furnishings accents or equipment would support.

Finest reply:

Answer by Di
I adore a sage green...extremely calming. Maybe a tall light stand in a corner? Also an indoor waterfall...awwwww so soothing..and candles just about everywhere.

Know better? Leave your own solution in the feedback!

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